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Access Gmail for ASU using IMAP

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CategoryTechnical Resources: Email
To enable IMAP in your Gmail for ASU account, please follow these steps:
  1. Set your Gmail for ASU POP/Chat password if you haven't already done so.
  2. Sign in to your Gmail for ASU account.
  3. Click on the User-added image (gear icon) in the upper-right and select Settings from the drop down menu.
  4. Select the Forwarding and POP/IMAP from the top menu.
User-added image
  1. In the IMAP Access section select the Enable IMAP.
User-added image
  1. Leave all other settings as default.
  2. Click the Save Changes button.
  3. You should now be able to access your Gmail for ASU account using the IMAP protocol. To configure your email client, please see  Acces your Gmail for ASU Using Your Favorite Email Program.
Please note: If after following the steps above you are unable to connect your Gmail for ASU account with your email client:
Below are the generic server settings for IMAP.

Incoming (IMAP) Server:
  • Encryption Type: SSL
Incoming Port Numbers:
  • Standard IMAP Port: 143
  • Secure IMAP Port: 993
Outgoing (SMTP) Server:
  • Encryption Type: STARTLS
Outgoing Port Numbers:
  • Authenticated (Secure) SMTP Port: 587
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