A private loan may be used to pay your past due balance from a previous semester or year. Contact your lender to verify that they will fund a loan for a past due balance. Each lender has different criteria when applying for a
private loan.
Once you confirm the lender will fund a private loan for a past due balance, please ensure that you request the loan period in which the past due amount is located. You may wish to notify
Financial Aid and Scholarship Services; however, please be aware that we are unable to review your private education loan request until the lender transmits the information to us. Your private loan must be certified in order to cover your past due balance. Once the loan funds are received, they will be applied to your student account to pay your past due balance.
If your private loan was certified for the current year and has not yet disbursed, the loan can be changed to cover a past due balance for the prior year.
Related Article: Can My Financial Aid for a New Academic Year Be Used to Pay Past ASU Charges?
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