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Check-in Process

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Functional GroupHousing
Students checking-in or out of their room at any part of the year are required to complete a check-in and check-out process. The process is designed to assist students in receiving their room key, documenting the condition of the room, and ensuring that the students' official ASU ID card is activated to allow for access into the residence halls.

Once you confirm your housing assignment, you will receive your move-in date and time. Arrive to your residential college or campus community on your move-in date and time at the front service desk.  A student desk assistant will assist provide a room key and a Room Inventory Report form. The form should be completed and submitted before any personal belongings are moved in. Additionally, at the time that you check-in at the front desk, the desk assistant will activate your ASU ID card, for use on in card access entryways.


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