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Goal Setting With My Success Coach

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What is goal setting?

When it comes to staying successful in classes, goal setting is a big part of it. Short and long term goals can be set with your success coach to hold yourself accountable to things like grades, incremental progress, staying motivated and organization.

What are some goals that can be made?

You're always in the drivers seat when it comes to your success, so it is up to the student! If keeping a good GPA is important, a goal for an A  can be made in a class. A short term goal can be to use a resource to help with an upcoming assignment. Another idea would be to make a plan to stay organized, like consistency using a planner or making lists and crossing tasks off as they are completed. Some examples of long term goals might be to graduate with honors or to complete a program without taking any breaks.

How can I hold myself accountable to my goals?

Oftentimes your success coach will take you through the SMART process when helping to create goals. The acronym stands for the following: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. These components are meant to lead to stronger accountability and progress outcomes. Try to forward think about what can be done on a daily basis to help meet these goals. For instance, if staying organized is a goal, what can you do daily to help with that? If you want to get A's in your classes, when are you going to study? And how much time are you going to dedicate to reading and assignments per day? If a goal is to raise your grade, what resources can be used for help? How often? 

Just remember that you're not alone. Talking about goals with a success coach can not only help with planning but they can help with accountability to those goals as well!



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