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Housing Check-out Process

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Functional GroupHousing
You can check-out of the halls at any time. The best way to check-out that will ensure no unexpected charges appear on your account is to follow a set of processes defined below:
  1. Make sure you turn your mailbox key back into your mail services provider.  In most cases, this is the nearest UPS Store.  The UPS Store will provide you with a three-ply carbon copy receipt that can serve as your proof of having turned in your key.
  1. Notify your Community Assistant or Community Director that you are checking out.  Request a walked check-out at the time you are fully ready to leave your room by University Housing and/or facilities staff members to evaluate the condition of your room for any damages you might have incurred while living there. 
  1. Make sure you sign and keep a copy of your Room Inventory Report form indicating whatever damage charges might be coming to your account, but also as documentation proving the date and time you checked out of the residence halls.
  1. Turn your key back into your community front desk who will then electronically check you out of our system.
If you absolutely need to check-out of the halls outside of normal business hours when staff is unavailable to assist, you can request an Express Check-Out. Express Check-out allows you to leave your room without having it reviewed by University Housing or facilities staff. 

Note: For Express Check-Outs, you are required to sign a form waives your right to appeal any damages charges following your check-out. You should still plan to return your mail box key to their respective mailing services unit and your room key to your community front desk.

For more information, please visit the University Housing's Hall Closing webpage.


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