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How Do I Delete an Existing Wireless Connection on Mac OS X?

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Functional GroupTechnical Resources: Network

To delete an existing wireless connection on your Mac OS X device, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the Wi-Fi symbol on the top right corner of your screen and click Open Preferences.

2. Make sure Wi-Fi is selected and then click "Advanced....."

3. Select the Wi-Fi network you wish to remove and then click the - (minus) symbol underneath the list of your preferred networks.

4. Your Wi-Fi network preferences will now be forgotten, and you can try adding the connection again to fix any issues you are having.

Note: In some cases your Mac may need to be restarted before networks that were deleted are not visible anymore. If you have any issues deleting and adding wireless connections, try deleting the old connections, reboot your Mac then add the new connection.

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