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How Do I Use Search and Tags in GetSet?

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Functional GroupAcademic Technologies
Tags are a great way to quickly find many posts about the same topic.

When you share a post, you can assign
related to your post. For example, if you are writing about a big test coming up, you could tag your post with #Exams. Clicking or tapping on a tag will show you all of the posts on GetSet that use that same tag.

How do I search for posts on GetSet?

Searching on GetSet can be really helpful if there's something specific you want to find. Just select the Search bar at the top of any page (or in the left navigation on mobile) and type what you're looking for to see relevant posts.

Search Bar

How can I find one of my classmates?

You can use the Search bar on the Home page to find posts or students. Type your classmate's name into the Search bar to see posts and profiles from people with that name. To see a classmate's profile, click or tap their name or profile photo.

If you don't find who you're looking for, try searching for just their first or last name. Capitalization doesn't matter, but spelling does. If you don't find them, they haven't joined GetSet yet, so feel free to invite them!

How do I follow a classmate?

Following a classmate gives you an easier way to keep track of the students you want to hear more from. When you follow someone, their posts will show up on your Home page.

Find new friends to follow on your Home page
. Scroll down through posts until you see the tile that says “Meet and message classmates” and click the red button that says “Get connected.” From there, GetSet will show you recommendations based on your major and interests.

You can also go to any students' profile and select the “follow” button located on the left-hand side to start following them.

Follow a Student


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