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How do I opt out of e-sign in Verification Documents Request?

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Functional GroupFinancial Aid
To opt out of E-Sign in Verification Documents Request, follow the steps below.
  1. After entering the necessary information into the web form, click on Review & Sign, located on the left side of the web form.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the Opt out of E-Sign to YES, located on the bottom right side of the web form.
  3. Once selected, a box will appear and provide instructions.
  4. After clicking Confirm, the E-Sign button changes to a download button.
  5. Clicking the download button will open a PDF of the web form. You would then need to print the document. Printing options vary by PDF viewer. There should be a printer icon or right click and select print.
  6. Once the form has been printed, signed and dated, an upload step is added to your tasks.
  7. Click the upload button to upload the signed document.
Please note: If you are a dependent student and have sent an parent e-sign request, please follow the steps in the article, How Do I Opt out of E-Signature After I Have Sent an Email Request to My Parent Through Verification Documents Request?

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