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How Do I Submit My Thesis or Dissertation Pass/Fail Form After I Have Completed My Revisions?

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Functional GroupGraduate College
The pass/fail process for thesis or dissertation defenses is now done electronically through DocuSign. Students and staff no longer need to submit signed copies of the defense form to the Grad College.
  1. Seven days before the defense, the electronic pass/fail form is sent out.
    1. Each committee member receives a unique email link so they can sign after the defense.
  2. After the defense, the committee members use the link to sign the form electronically. 
    1. The chair will only have the ability to complete Section B & Section C.
    2. All committee members will need to complete Section C.
    3. Recipients that haven't signed will receive a reminder every seven days until they have completed the document.
  3. Once everyone has completed Section C, the committee chair(s) receives a new email link to sign Section D.
    1. The chair uses this new link to sign once all required revisions are complete.
  4. The student, their staff advisor(s), and the grad college receive a view-only copy of the form. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Paper forms are no longer accepted, and all signatures must be completed via DocuSign


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