Requests for an appeal must be received in the office of Academic & Student Affairs (ASA),
Brickyard 697BA,
no later than 4 p.m., Tuesday, May 27, 2014. If you are unable to submit the appeal in person, you may send your appeal to
Your request for an appeal must include the following:
1. A typed letter to the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Standards Committee clearly outlining why you should be reinstated into the Schools of Engineering. The letter should include:
Your affiliate ID number, major and telephone number
Any extraordinary situations or difficulties you encountered; attach any supporting documentation to the letter
Your strategies for future success and your course plan
If you need to take a course for a third (or more) time, you must include a completed Undergraduate Standards Committee Petition with your letter of appeal. The
petition form can be found online. ASA will route the petition to your program for review and signatures.
Decisions on all appeals will be made no later than Wednesday, June 4, 2014.