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If I come to campus this fall, will my classes be taught in-person?

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Functional GroupProvost Office
Yes. Some classes may meet entirely in-person, with no changes to their delivery. Here are other ways on-campus classes may be delivered.

Some classes may operate with alternating schedules, with students assigned specific days of in-classroom sessions and alternating days in remote sessions.

Classes like these are designed to maintain social distancing and to maintain the health and well-being of the ASU community. Some classes may meet entirely through remote modalities using technologies like Zoom, Canvas and Slack. Your classmates may attend classes remotely, depending on their personal situation. As usual, iCourses can be added to your schedule. These classes are designed to be offered entirely online, over the course of the semester. 

It is recommended that first-year campus students enroll in no more than 3 hours of iCourses for their first fall and spring semesters.


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