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What about students who may be further at risk due to pre-existing conditions?

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Functional GroupProvost Office
Consistent with our efforts to always meet learners where they are, ASU will offer courses in a variety of learning environments to accommodate students’ needs. 

For the majority of classes, immersion (on-campus) students will have access to three learning environments: 

ASU immersion: On-campus, in-person, technology-enhanced learning environment.
ASU Sync: Synchronous, technology-enhanced and fully interactive remote learning using live lectures via Zoom. This approach can be used simultaneously with in-person instruction to accommodate students in different circumstances and enable social distancing in classrooms or as stand-alone technology. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction in an interactive, group-learning environment.
iCourses: Courses delivered entirely online with lectures available on demand. 
Our goal is to provide a quality learning environment that adheres to public health and safety guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These three learning environments will give students the flexibility they need. Many classes will include a blend of in-person and ASU Sync experiences. Some labs, clinical experiences and fine arts courses that do not lend themselves to remote instruction will only be available through on-campus, in-person instruction. 

For specific questions, please contact the Dean of Students office.


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