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What is the graduate student university enrollment deposit?

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Functional GroupAdmission Services
All newly admitted campus immersion master’s-level graduate students to the Downtown Phoenix, Polytechnic, Tempe, West Valley, ASU California Centers, ASU at Washington D.C., and Mesa City Center locations pay a $250 university enrollment deposit by April 15 if enrolling for the fall term or Dec. 1 if enrolling for the spring term to ensure a spot in the incoming class. As soon as you have been admitted and have decided to attend Arizona State University, you should submit payment for the university enrollment deposit.

Payment of the deposit is the first step in the enrollment process for newly admitted students. The enrollment deposit is required before you can register for classes. $150 of the deposit will be credited as a payment toward your first semester of tuition and fees when tuition charges are posted, and the remaining $100 will be credited as an enrollment fee.

If you have additional questions, learn more about the enrollment deposit process or contact your admission representative.

See related article: How do I pay my graduate student university enrollment deposit?


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