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What Kind of Proof Does ASU Need for My Homelessness or at Risk of Being Homeless Status?

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Functional GroupFinancial Aid
You may be considered an independent student if you can provide a signed letter from one of the organizations below regarding your status as an unaccompanied youth (i.e., not living in the physical custody of your parent/guardian) who is homeless or at risk of being homeless (i.e., lack fixed, regular and adequate housing).
  • your high school or school district liaison (often referred to as a McKinney-Vento Liaison)
  • director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center, or transitional living program funded by the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
*If you received a determination from one of the organizations above, but are unable to get a signed letter, you can provide a signed letter stating you have received this determination and include a contact name and phone number for the organization so Financial Aid and Scholarship Services can call to confirm your status.
If you are not receiving assistance from the organizations above, you have the option to submit a Dependency Review to request a Financial Aid Administrator determination of homelessness. In the review, you must demonstrate that you meet the following criteria:
  1. You meet the McKinney-Vento Act’s definition of homeless. Can you go to the same place (fixed) every night (regular) to sleep in a safe and sufficient space (adequate)?
  2. You are an unaccompanied youth; meaning you are not living in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.  
To assist with an FAA determination of homelessness, you may provide signed third party letters from:
  • college access programs (TRIO, GEAR UP, etc.)
  • doctors
  • social workers
  • mental health professionals
  • NCHE or State Coordinators for Homeless Education
  • clergy (i.e., church official)  
Please note the following:
  • If you are homeless, but are in the physical custody of a parent or guardian, you must complete the FAFSA as a dependent student.
  • If you are uncertain if your situation would warrant a review, you are encouraged to meet with a financial aid counselor to discuss your specific situation. You do not need an appointment to see a financial aid counselor. You can contact FASS to speak with a counselor or visit any campus office location.


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