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What modifications have been implemented for a healthy campus life for fall 2020?

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Functional GroupProvost Office
Campus life will look different in many ways and we will all need to make adjustments. With the cooperation and care of every member of the Sun Devil community, we’re confident we can all have a successful fall semester.

All ASU buildings – including residence halls and classrooms — will receive a thorough cleaning with medical-grade products followed by a fogging system cleanse prior to occupancy this fall. During the semester, all buildings will receive a thorough cleaning once per day, and high-touch surfaces will be cleaned twice daily. 

Everyone, including faculty, staff, students and visitors, will be required to wear face coverings in classrooms, labs, offices and community spaces. Students and employees should monitor their temperature each day they’re on campus. If their temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, they should stay home and seek health advice. 

All on-campus ASU students and employees will be required to participate in a “Community of Care” training program designed to inform, educate and encourage healthy living and learning on campus and as a member of the ASU community. ASU will also have a community-wide communications campaign to remind students, employees and campus visitors of public health protocols to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

All on-campus students will receive a "Community of Care" kit containing face coverings, a thermometer, hand sanitizer and other items for use in maintaining their health and wellness on campus. The university will have these items available for restocking. Students living in university housing will receive their Community of Care kit during move-in; students living off-campus can pick up their kits at the ASU bookstore starting Aug. 10. Students will need to show their ASU ID to pick-up a kit.

Employees will receive PPE and supplies though planned departmental distribution.

Sneeze guards and Plexiglas barrier installations will be used in high-frequency visitor areas, touchless technology will be used where appropriate, and social distancing will be observed. For up to date information, please visit this website:


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