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What Items Should I Leave at Home When Moving In?

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Functional GroupHousing
For reasons of safety, security and the overall well-being of our ASU Housing residential communities, the following items are prohibited
  • Hoverboards
  • Flammable items (candles, gasoline, etc)
  • Open Heating elements (Toasters, hot plates, electric heaters, etc)
  • Halogen Lamps
  • Non UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved items. Ex: Decorative lighting, small appliances, surge protectors.
  • Fireworks
  • Drugs and Alcohol associated paraphernalia
  • Bed lofting kits
  • Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Hookahs, etc. are prohibited in our residential facilities.
  • Pets (except for fish)
  • Weapons and Guns
  • Personal wireless routers or access points
  • Wireless video streaming device (Roku, Google Chromecast, Amazon FireStick)
  • Wireless printer that broadcasts itself on the campus network
Please visit see the University Housing Policies for a list of up-to-date prohibited items.

Related Article: What Items Should I Bring with Me to Campus upon Moving In?


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